It was silent in Mom’s hospital room. Only the sound of her heart monitor interrupted the

发布时间:2020-08-17 08:05:08

It was silent in Mom’s hospital room. Only the sound of her heart monitor interrupted the     moments of what seemed to be a peaceful sleep. It had been several hours since her operation. I wanted her to wake up. I needed to      to her. Last night, I shouted at her because she had allowed my      sister to visit her when she had      our mom for years.
“Shame on you!” she had said firmly. “Moms don’t stop      their children just because one of them chose to leave her. A mother always loves more than she’s loved      .”
I thought, “Shame on you! When I do something wrong or when a friend is      to her, that’s all she will ever say. How about standing up for you      for once, Mom?”
My mom’s groaning(呻吟)broke my      . she couldn’t speak,      her eyes were moving, looking for something. She      her notebook and pen next to her bed. I gently handed them to her. She      slowly, and then turned the notebook around for me to read.
“I forgive you,” it      .
Tears ran down my face. I felt     . As I began to speak, I was      by the loud arguing of two seemingly angry nurses on the opposite side of the room. My mom suddenly began writing on her notebook, and then stopped to      the piece of paper. She handed it to me, signaling me to give it to the nurses. They read it, looked      at my mom and quietly left the room.
“What did you write, Mom?” I asked.
She smiled sweetly but said nothing.      , I knew what she had written on that piece of paper. How      those three little words are!
I kissed my mom goodbye and      to find my sister.
【小题1】A.quietB.longC.sweetD.important【小题2】A.explainB.agreeC.referD.apologize【小题3】A.selfishB.poorC.weakD.jealous【小题4】A.attackedB.hurtC.abandonedD.criticized【小题5】A.helpingB.missingC.lovingD.protecting【小题6】 return【小题7】【小题8】A.familyB.childrenC.rightsD.freedom【小题9】A.promiseB.sleepC.wordsD.concentration【小题10】【小题11】A.pointed toB.picked upC.looked throughD.reached for【小题12】 D.moved【小题13】A.wroteB.saidC.toldD.suggested【小题14】A.annoyedB.worriedC.ashamedD.confused【小题15】A.keptB.frightenedC.angeredD.interrupted【小题16】A.check overB.stare atC.tear offD.take out【小题17】A.proudlyB.gratefullyC.coldlyD.carefully【小题18】A.SuddenlyB.FinallyC.GraduallyD.Clearly【小题19】A.easyB.typicalC.exactD.powerful【小题20】A.leftB.triedC.calledD.expectedA 


【小题2】考查动词。 explain 解释;agree同意;refer提到;apologize道歉。后面提到我向她大声喊叫,因此这里道歉符合语境。故选D。
【小题3】考查形容词。selfish   自私的;poor可怜的;weak虚弱的;jealous嫉妒的。后面提到妹妹一起妈妈很多年,可知妹妹是自私的。故选A。
【小题4】考查动词。attacked 攻击;hurt伤害;abandoned  抛弃;criticized批评。句意是:她已经放弃了我们的妈妈多年。故选C。
【小题5】考查动词。 helping 帮助;missing想念;loving爱;protecting保护。根据常理可知母亲是爱孩子的,即使孩子选择离开她。故选C。
【小题6】考查词组。 in place适当;in turn轮流;in time及时;in return作为报答。 句意是:妈妈的爱总比她得到的爱要多。故选D。
【小题8】考查名词。 Family家庭;children孩子;rights权利;freedom自由。句意是:这一次如何维护你的权利,妈妈。故选C。
【小题9】考查名词。 Promise允诺;sleep睡觉;words词语;concentration专注。前文提到我正在专注于想和妈妈发生的事情,此处妈妈的呻吟打断了我的专注。故选D。
【小题11】考查词组。pointed to指向;picked up捡起;looked through看穿;reached for伸手去拿。后面说我递给她笔记本和笔,可知是母亲指向笔记本和笔。故选A。
【小题14】考查形容词。 annoyed 恼怒的;worried 担心的;ashamed惭愧的;confused困惑的。前面提到作者泪流满面,四选项中只有C项符合语境。故选C。
【小题15】考查动词。Kept保持;frightened害怕;angered 生气;interrupted打断。句意是:当我正要说话时,被两个在房间对面看是生气的大声争吵的护士打断了。故选D。
【小题16】考查词组。check over检查;stare at凝视;tear off撕下;take out取出。句意是:妈妈卡是在笔记本上写字,写完后撕下那张纸。故选C。
【小题17】考查副词。proudly 傲慢地;gratefully感激地;coldly   冷淡地;carefully小心地。后面说安静地离开,可知情绪变好了,四选项中只有B符合语境。故选B。
【小题19】 考查形容词。easy 容易的;typical典型的;exact准确的;powerful强大的。是争吵的人平静离开,由此可知这句话的强大力量。故选D。