(2009江苏徐州调研)Graduates of 2009 share fate of entering the work force at a bad time, when t

发布时间:2020-08-17 12:32:48

(2009江苏徐州调研)Graduates of 2009 share      fate of entering the work force at a bad time, when the world is sinking deeper into      financial crisis.
A. the ;the
B. a ;the
C. a ;不填
D. the ;a


A. the ;the
B. a ;the
C. a ;不填
(答案→)D. the ;a
解析:考察冠词的用法。fate后有定语 entering the work force表特指,所以其前用定冠词the;financial crisis有很多次,这只是其中的一次,所以用不定冠词a来限定。