
发布时间:2020-07-08 23:53:20

An unusual thing at school One day, David was leaving his classroom since he had finished his make-up test. But it was very strange, he was the only person left the classroom, and that it was very quiet. David was the last one to leave, he was thinking about how he could get high marks in his test. Suddenly, there was aloud sound ing from the classroom. `Bang!’ David had a chill. He flashed thought of someone trying to hit him. He was very frightened. But… A few second later, he was curious to know where the sound came from. He walked close to the classroom to see what happened. Things turned really bad because he saw his friends hitting another boy onto the ground. David held his breath and saw what happen. They used their fists hit the boy. The boy was climbing on the ground. Realized what was happening. David turned around quickly and quietly to avoid being involved. Suddenly, David had a sneeze. Two boys heard it and turned around at once. And then, what did they see? A nosy boy who was not in their plan appeared! The two boys were very angry and opened the door. They caught and hit David. He was trying to run but they caught him back quickly, he could only cried,’ Help!’ At that moment, the boy who was lying on the ground was trying to leave. The two boys grabbed the boy and didn’t pay attention to David. He managed to leave the classroom without their notice. Then he ran faster and faster to the staff room. At that time, the two boys all saw David was already left the classroom! They were trying to find where the boys were. The teachers came back and punished the boys. David was not injured but another boy had to go to hospital. They had a big punishment from the teachers; they had a black mark and 5 days of school suspension.


请关于以下作文写一篇评价,扣住感情和修辞手法写一下 梦,一个看似遥远...答:运用了排比的修辞手法,使句子更加的生动,形象,每一段的开头都有着......样的梦,这个运用的好,通过各种梦的事例,证明了没什么是不可能的,是啊,梦想并不遥远,我们现在继续努力去属于我们的“中国梦”


Based on HKDSE grading scale, 3 will be the best.<br>1. Content - Off-topic in general. The topic asks for "an usual thing" at school. How does fighting in school unusual?<br>And seriously - are you trying to teach a lesson to your readers or describing an encounter of an usual thing?<br>2. Chinglish - "One day", seriously?<br>3. Grammar - numerous grammar problems.