Recently the Ministry of Environmental Protection issued a circular saying that China may

发布时间:2020-08-17 09:11:22

Recently the Ministry of Environmental Protection issued a circular saying that China may adopt flexible working hours and stop school classes    the highest air pollution warnings.
A. for fear of
B. in terms of
C. on top of
D. in case of


A. for fear of
B. in terms of
C. on top of
(答案→)D. in case of
解析:A. for fear of唯恐,B. in terms of就…而言,C. on top of除了,在…顶部,D. in case of如果,以防,句意:最近,环境保护部发出通知说如果有最高空气污染警告中国可能采用弹性工作时间和停课。