单词拼写(注意所填词的正确形式)【小题1】As long as your suggestion is rreasonable, we’ll take it.【小题2】There w

发布时间:2020-08-16 22:10:21

【小题1】As long as your suggestion is rreasonable , we’ll take it.
【小题2】There were many job applicants (申请者)for the position, but in the end only two were hired.
【小题3】A few objections (反对意见) have to be dealt with before we can start the project.
【小题4】GGenerally  speaking, a real friendship means not taking but giving.  
【小题5】The majority (大多数)of students think that they should be given more time to do sports after class.
【小题6】I keep my reference books near my desk for convenience reasonable  (方便).
【小题7】Barack Obama was eelected  the first black president in American history.
【小题8】The two bags ddiffer  in color --- one is red, the other black.
【小题9】The packet of white ppowder  the police found in his room turned out to be cocaine.
【小题10】The procedure (步骤) of cloning animals is quite difficult to undertake.

