用课本中学过的短语或者结构完成下列句子。(5和6小题各1.5分,其余每小题2分,共15分)1. 我们应该充分利用每一分钟。We should try to every mi

发布时间:2020-08-16 16:33:02

1. 我们应该充分利用每一分钟。
We should try to                     every minute.
2. 这是在两国交战的时期。
This was a time      the two countries               .
3. 随着时间的推移,我们相信一切都会更美好。
                   , we are sure that everything will be better .
4. 黄昏时我碰巧在楼上,窗户是开着的。
I                upstairs at dusk      the window was open.
5. 我们迫不及待地要见到他们。
We                to see them!
6. 说实在的,很多人把名和利看得很重。
To be honest, a lot of people      great           being rich and famous.
7. 你们应该多关注我生活的热带雨林。
You should      more           the rainforest      I live.
8. 跑步、游泳、划船和一些团队项目是在夏季运动会上进行的。
          in the Summer Olympics      you have the running races, together      swimming, sailing and all the team sports.1. make full use of   2. when; were at war   3. As time goes by/ With time going by 


(答案→)1. make full use of   2. when; were at war   3. As time goes by/ With time going by 