根据对话内容,用方框内所给的句子补全对话, 其中有两项是多余的。(5分)A: Good morning, Li Fei. I want to write a story.B: 【小

发布时间:2020-08-22 12:45:18

根据对话内容,用方框内所给的句子补全对话, 其中有两项是多余的。(5分)
A: Good morning, Li Fei. I want to write a story.
B: 【小题1】    
A: A Chinese girl. Thanks to Project Hope, she finished her art dream.
B: Please tell me your main writing idea.
A: OK. 【小题2】     Her parents died in a car accident. And she had to drop out of school.
B: What’s next?
A: Next? The girl’s art teacher found her talent on art, so she wanted to help the girl.
B: 【小题3】     
A: She reported the girl’s story to Project Hope. She also raised some money for the girl.
B: Then, How was the end of the story?
A: With the help of Project Hope, the girl finished her education. 【小题4】     
B: That sounds wonderful! When are you going to start the story?
A: This weekend. 【小题5】     
B: Wow! You’re great! After all, you aren’t Chinese.
A: Thank you! My Chinese is very good!
A. What did the kind teacher do?
B. What is the story about?
C. And I will write it in Chinese.
D. She was a fan of pop.
E. First, I will describe the poor girl.
F. She returned to her hometown and taught the children art.
G. No one knows what will happen in the end.


【小题1】根据下文A Chinese girl.可知选B,故事与什么有关啊?
【小题2】联系下文Next? 可知前文叙述的是第一点,故选E,首先我要介绍一些这个可怜的女孩。
【小题3】联系下文She reported the girl’s story to Project Hope.可知选A,这位善良的老师做了什么?