The problem with seeing famous tourist attractions is the steady_of people all trying to s

发布时间:2020-08-17 09:11:19

The problem with seeing famous tourist attractions is the steady_of people all trying to see the place at the same time, so I doubt whether it is worth it.
A. amount
B. group
C. pump
D. stream


A. amount
B. group
C. pump
(答案→)D. stream
解析:A. amount数量, B. group团体,团队,C. pump泵,打气筒,D. stream河流, 潮流,趋势,倾向;(事件等的)连续,(财富等的)滚滚而来; 流出,流注,一连串,句意:看著名的旅游景点的问题是络绎不绝的游客都试图在同一时间看到的地方,所以我怀疑是否这是值得的。这里用stream指“人流”,所以选D。