Nancy, for about half a year to apply for a job as an airline hostess, finally took a pos

发布时间:2020-08-16 20:45:54

Nancy,      for about half a year to apply for a job as an airline hostess, finally took a position at a shopping center.
A. struggled
B. having struggled
C. struggling
D. to struggle


A. struggled
(答案→)B. having struggled
C. struggling
D. to struggle
解析:本题考查的是非谓语动词的使用,首先由于非谓语结构被逗号隔开,由此排除一般不能直接出现在逗号后的不定式D选项;除此以外,根据句意可知,逻辑主语Nancy与动作struggle是主动关系,排除表被动的A选项;最后根据时间状语for about half a year可知强调动作发生的持续性,由此可知应选择完成式B