- nice weather it is today! Yes, shall we go walking in the park this afternoon?A.

发布时间:2020-08-21 14:39:10

---      nice weather it is today!
--- Yes, shall we go walking in the park this afternoon?
A. What an
B. How
C. What
D. How an


A. What an
B. How
(答案→)C. What
D. How an
解析::本题考查的是what 和how 引导的感叹句,其结构分别为:what+a或an +adj+n(可数名词单数形式)+主谓!或what+adj+n(可数名词复数或不可数名词)+主谓!How+adj或adv+主谓!即将主谓去掉之后,最后一个单词为名词,前用what,将主谓去掉之后,最后一词,为副词或形容词,前用how,故选C