Of the two brothers, Bill is younger one, and he is a quiet boy, that most adults like

发布时间:2020-08-17 06:33:28

Of the two brothers, Bill is      younger one, and he is a quiet boy,      that most adults like very much.
A. the; one
B. a; the one
C. a; one
D. the; the one


(答案→)A. the; one
B. a; the one
C. a; one
D. the; the one
解析:考查冠词和代词用法。第一空填the,特指Bill是两者当中较年轻的那个。第二空的one与a quiet boy构成同位语关系,因为a quiet boy是泛指,那么one也应该是泛指。句意:在两兄弟中,Bill是较为年轻的那个。他是一个安静的男孩,一个大部分的成年人都喜欢的一个男孩。故A正确。