—Can you kick the ball to end of the football field?—It’s hard for me. I think few goalk

发布时间:2020-08-21 09:38:19

—Can you kick the ball to      end of the football field?
—It’s hard for me. I think few goalkeepers can make it.
A. another
B. the other
C. other
D. others


A. another
(答案→)B. the other
C. other
D. others
解析:本题考查代词。Another多个中的另一个;the other两个中的另一个;other 其它的;others其他人.句意:——你能踢球到足球场的另外一边么?——对我来说很难。我想很少有守门员能做到的。结合常识可知球场上只有两个球门,故选B.