(2013·泰安模拟)Althoughto be the best in a recent science competition, the student remains mo

发布时间:2020-08-17 08:59:12

(2013·泰安模拟)Although    to be the best in a recent science petition, the student remains modest.
A. judged
B. judging
C. judge
D. having judged


(答案→)A. judged
B. judging
C. judge
D. having judged
解析:选A。考查状语从句的省略。句意: 尽管这个学生在最近的科学比赛中被评为最好的, 他仍然很谦虚。although引导的状语从句和主句为同一主语the student, judge与the student为被动关系, 要用过去分词结构, 完整结构为Although the student was judged to be the best in a recent science petition。故A项正确。