—I hear you saw the film Taijiong last night. ?—It’s totally fascinating. A. Have you got

发布时间:2020-08-17 09:12:59

—I hear you saw the film Taijiong last night.     ?
—It’s totally fascinating.
A. Have you got that
B. How do you find it
C. Why not ask me
D. Oh, really


A. Have you got that
(答案→)B. How do you find it
C. Why not ask me
D. Oh, really
解析:A. Have you got that你得到了吗?B. How do you find it 你认为怎么样? C. Why not ask me为什么问我?D. Oh, really 哦,真的,句意:--我听说你昨天晚上看了电影《太囧》,    ? 从下文的:太棒了,可知应该是:你认为它怎么样?所以选B。