比赛奖项和奖金分别设置如下: 一等奖1名奖金10000元(或等值数码产品) 二等奖1名奖金5000元(或等值数

发布时间:2019-09-18 01:19:05

比赛奖项和奖金分别设置如下: 一等奖1名奖金10000元(或等值数码产品) 二等奖1名奖金5000元(或等值数


First Prize 10,000 Yuan Cash (or Digital Items of the same worth)Second Prize 5,000 Yuan Cash (or Digital Items of the same worth) Third Prize 3,000 Yuan Cash(or Digital Items of the same worth)Two Consolation Prizes of 1,000 Yuan each (or Digital Items of the same worth)