
发布时间:2019-09-17 15:48:13



We have not been the first to adopt this law, but we will not be the last," began his speech. "Behind many other countries will driven by two unstoppable forces, liberty and equality," he continued. And he got, say, the helmet of the astronaut Neil Armstrong on the day he stepped on the Moon: the amendment of the Civil Code represents "a small change in the letter, but a big change for thousands of people." "People are not talking about remote, but neighbors, pañeros.Una decent society is one that does not humiliate its members," said the presidentnodded and the galleries. Spain is thus "more decent" today than yesterday. "It is true that homosexuals are a minority, but the victory belongs to everyone," he said. "There is no confrontation of the institution of marriage, but the opposite," he said looking at the seats of the PP. "I am aware that many are in disagreement, but this law does not entail any evil, but will save unnecessary suffering to many people." Zapatero finished speaking, there was a vote after it came out and the Socialists were pie.Rompieron to spontaneously applaud the citizens who followed the meeting with the jubilation of the newly released. Ushers began to evict the room. Out hugs here and there, as a final fireworks. And, between smiles and tears, were dressed in rainbowseating.