
发布时间:2019-08-31 08:33:56

试题难度:难度:中档 试题类型:写作题 试题内容:现在许多学生骑自行车去上学,也有很多人骑车去上班,因为骑自行车有许多的好处。但是由于自行车与机动车共享车道,也存在着安全隐患。所以骑自行车的人要注意一些安全事项,请根据以下参考词汇,写一篇60—80词的短文。
1. save energy; air pollution; park; traffic rules; helmet; careful.


试题答案:Nowadays, riding a bike to school has been a choice of transportation for students. And some people go to work by bike,too. There are many advantages to riding a bicycle.For example,riding to school may change the whole environment and it does contribute to reduce the air pollution and save the resources as much as we can. Riding a bike is also a good exercise for us to strengthen ourselves. What's more, riding a bike saves us a lot of time and money than going to school on foot or by bus.However, bicycle riding has its disadvatage. Because bikes and cars use the same road. When you ride a bike to school, you need obey the traffic rules even if you are in a hurry. Safety must e first!