求移动WiMax(mobile WiMax)的相关英文资料,5000字左右~

发布时间:2019-09-04 02:18:59

求移动WiMax(mobile WiMax)的相关英文资料,5000字左右~


今天讲的内容,第一部分我们要讲一下WiMax现在标准技术的概括介绍,然后大概讲一下WiMax网络的架构以及WiMax在实际布网上的一些考虑,另外也是给大家比较一下WiMax和4G的关系。我们知道WiMax是一个非常激动人心的技术,它覆盖了很多种应用,它的应用模式是从固定、漫游式的服务,到可携带的、移动的服务方式。相应的,大家使用的终端也会有区别,为固定的服务我们可以使外型的CPE,或者内型的CPE,便携服务的可以用手持式的电脑,或者英特尔迅驰芯片的手提电脑。另外为移动业务,我们也可以在终端上实现WiMax技术。首先讲一下WiMax标准的进展。首先我们可以看到,在2004年,802.16-2004的WiMax标准,这是为固定应用服务的一个无线标准,它的频率在11G以下。然后在2004年底和2005年初的时候,2004版有一个()的版本,2005年10月有一个2005年的标准,2005年的标准是一个既支持固定无线宽带服务也支持无线移动宽带服务的标准。在标准过程中,我们还可以看到有一些现在正在做的标准,包括802.16F是已经完成的一个标准,其实主要是为802.16-2004的标准,16G主要是做网络管理方面的标准。因为现在WiMax定义的频段是在2.3、2.5、3.5、3.5的频率上,802.16H可以支持更多的频率,5.8G的TE的频段。另外802.16J定义的实际上是多跳的网络的一个标准,非常类似于Nish的结构,但是一个基站式的网络标准,这个标准主要是为了扩大渗透的能力。主要是简单介绍一下802.16所支持的OFDM的技术,这是802.16的核心技术,我们可以看到,在多个频率内有多个子信道存在,可以为不同的用户使用,用户一、用户二、用户三、用户四都用所有的频段,但他们都只用所有频段的一部分,也就是多个用户接入一个大的信道里,但使用不同的子信道。然后这些子信道都是正交的,也也就保证他们没有互相干扰的存在。通过这个,在整个802.16E的OFDM技术里,子信道的分配是非常灵活的,这也就保证了不同带宽接入的实现。用OFDM的技术的另外一个好处是在物理上可以做到多个频率不同带宽的可伸缩性,如果我只有1.25兆的带宽,可能只能用其中一小部分,如果10兆是100.202的子信道,那我只用八分之一的子信道来做。我们可以看到在802.16里定义的就是一个可伸缩的OFDM架构,每个子信道的带宽是一样的,但总的带宽可以扩展到1.25兆、5兆、14兆、20兆。另外我们讲一下对媒体接入层设计的要求和实现。我们可以看到第一个要求,我们知道,现在的技术都要求网络是IP网络,那样对我们的媒体接入层的第一个要求是我们要接入一个多种IP方式,VoIP、PCP,在设计里就要保证所有服务,在WiMax里定义的KOS的方式是基于每个连接的,也就是一个虚连接的定义,对每个连接或者业务流定义一个WiMax,可以接入控制。无线网络是一个倾向于出错的,而且是一个识辨的信道,MAC是动态的方式,CVCH是一个快速信道质量的反馈,保证物理信道,实现更好的信道质量。另外也包含测距的方式和功率的控制。另外我们知道现在大家追求的无线通讯是一个高频谱效率的应用,在WiMax里,整个突发结构是非常灵活的。在WiMax里,无线信道资源的分配都基于一个调度器的方式,基于CDMA里基于扣的,还有TDMA里基于肯定是有区别。另外还有模式区别、省电模式的支持。另外就是安全方面的考虑,在WiMax里,我们利用的是一个特殊的媒体接入层的安全,加上支持EAP的端到端的安全。我们可以大致看一下整个媒体接入的过程,首先是下层的检测、同步,这和很多其他系统都一样,或者是上行信道的参数,进行随机接入,然后进行健全和密钥的获取,密钥获取以后就注册到基站,注册到基站以后就可以进入一个状态,可以进行IK Date的交互。如果没有什么数据传输或者只是一个IDO的状态,就可以进入睡眠状态,保持省电状态。如果在激活状态,它同时还可以进行零区测量保持切换。我想很多听众可能都是来自运营商的,从运营商的角度考虑WiMax,一,WiMax可以支持ISP,也就是一个虚拟的ISP,无线的ISP的运营。另外是以前没有网络的现在可以用WiMax建立一个新的网络。另外从固网运营商过来的,我们有已有固网的运营,可以在固网运营的基础上建立WiMax网络。还有一种最大的可能性,移动网络的运营商,包括CDMA,GSM的运营商。总体要求,我们是要一个基于IP来优化的网络架构。基于这个需求,WiMax论坛里提出专门成立了一个工作组,是网络的工作组,因为我们现在在802HV里定义了WiMax空中接口的那一部分,包括物理层,然后在核心网站,都在定义WiMax的架构,相当于在服务层面上我们已经有很好的定义。所以在这两个之间我们需要一个Gate,用NWG这样一个组织来定义,怎么实现更好的资源管理、资源方式。我们来看看,这是WiMax论坛里定义的一个网络结构,我们可以看到,左边是WiMax接入的网络,右边是和运营商核心网的部分。然后我们可以看到,每一个接入网都可以支持多个ISP直接接入,另外一个运营商可以接多个WiMax网络,也解决支持虚拟运营商的方式。整个网络架构有一个好处,它是统一的网络参考模型,然后是一个GIP,无论是接入还是核心网都是GIP的。它的功能模块分解是基于逻辑的,而不是基于物理的。另外它是Open interfaces是对虚拟运营商的。保证大家在逻辑上interfaces的互通性。另外参考多个接口,有R3、R4、R5、R6的接口,中间是一个接路的网络,这个要注意,这个模型是一个参考模型,它只是一个逻辑模型,而不是物理实体的模型。它可以是一个物理实体,也可以是分开的物理实体。另外我们可以看到CACN,核心网的网络,可能它包含一些网源,这样的功能模块。另外它有两种支持,一个是基于不同SIN认证的。刚才我讲到他只是一个功能模块的硬测,并不是一个物理模块的硬测,好处是大家更加灵活,更加可以鼓励创新。另外一点是,我们举个例子可以让大家更加清楚,例如()A,它是一个以功能模块在不同的点上进行映射,而不是直接的物理模块的映射。在WiMax论坛里它定义了三个ASN的配置表来保障不同的映射方式,在不同的映射方式下大家可以做互推的测试。这张图重点讲一下ASN接入网的那部分。我们可以看到,它主要是(),它可以以接入的方式连接,也可以以因特网的方式连接。另外SNV里可以包含外地链结,也可以不包含,这是一个灵活的架构。在CSN里也是一样的,可以包含互操作的功能模块,可以接到因特网上去。大家最关心的可能是三个最核心的部分,一个是安全。WiMax的安全是一个端到端的安全体系,它在无线接口上定义的802.16的,在空口里都是找PKV2,协议都是基于PKV2的协议之上,整个物理层是用AIES的协议方式,这样的话可以说不同的运营商都可以找到他相应的比较方便的方式。移动运营商可能比较倾向以CM卡的方式,现在的固网运营商可能会考虑Web认证的方式,专网的方面可能会用一些其他的方式,另一方面,支持用户和设备两种认证方式,另外它也支持双向认证。在安全的网络部分,基本上是一个()A的认证,如果有漫游的情况下可以由一个访问的()A,通过这样的方式来做。其实在有线这一侧,网络这一侧面上,应该都是做线路本身的加密。另外一点是Qos方面,WiMax Qos是一个跟MS相似的管理方式,跟HHK进行交互,通过服务获得,然后再进一步做确认,最后给予最终的安排和Qos的保障。WiMax支持多种Qos,包括UGS,包括ITPS方式的。整个WiMax的框架可以有两种,一种是ASN的,整个WiMax网络只有ASN,ASN再接到别的网络上去。另外一种,运营商是直接建立一个工作组或者是一个整体的运营网络。这是一个简单的WiMax网络实现的可能方式,比如我们有,通过Gate v和WiMax连接,然后通过出口网关进行互通。我们前面提到了WiMax有不同的配置表,主要有三种:一种是()和WiMax放在一起,总是WiMax在逼,逼到平面化的和分布的结构。它有两种,主要的区别是,一种是把AIQ的方式,主要的区别在于如何跟TCP、IP进行交互。因为放在()这一侧,可能无线上会更加灵活,但放在I(Gate)可能有其他的好处。WiMax也可以跟多种不同的网络标准进行不同的互通网络,跟3GPP的互通,包括跟核心网进行交互这样的一个方式。另外的一个方式就是跟3GPP2的网络,WiMax和3GPP2的网络相似度可能更大一点,它主要是基于()的网络架构,可以直接使用3GPP来直接实现()网络了。从网络组现在的情况来看,下一步的网络应该会在LTE上,LTE本身的核心网,无线接入网络也可以直接接到那个核心网里,另外公共的Wilan和公共的WiMax也可以直接接到最终的核心网里,然后WiMax和因特网连接。The contents of this talk, we say a few words about the first part of WiMax technology is an overview of standards, and then probably to talk about the structure of WiMax and WiMax networks in some of the actual cloth-line considerations, the other is for everyone to pare the relationship between WiMax and 4G. We know that WiMax is a very exciting technology, which covers a very wide range of applications, its application model is fixed, roaming-like services to portable and mobile services. Accordingly, we will use the difference between the terminals for fixed services we can make appearance of CPE, or with the type of CPE, service can be portable hand-held puter, or Intel Centrino laptop chips. In addition to mobile services, we can achieve in the end WiMax technology. First of all, to talk about the progress of WiMax standards. First of all, we can see that in 2004 ,802.16-2004 of the WiMax standard, which is a fixed wireless application service standards, and its frequency in 11G below. And then by the end of 2004 and early 2005, when there is a 2004 version () version in October 2005 there is a standard in 2005, the 2005 supports both standard is a fixed wireless broadband services also support the wireless standard for mobile broadband services . In the standard process, we can also see that some are doing now, including 802.16F is a standard has been pleted, in fact, primarily for the 802.16-2004 standard, 16G network management is mainly to do standards. WiMax is defined as the band is 2.3,2.5,3.5,3.5 frequency, 802.16H can support more frequency, 5.8G frequency band of the TE. In addition 802.16J is the definition of multi-hop network of a standard, very similar to the structure of Nish, but a base station of network standards, this standard is to expand the capacity of penetration. Is 802.16 a brief in support of the OFDM technology, which is the core of 802.16 technology, we can see that in a number of frequency channel, there are more than there is, we can use for different users, the user a, user b, user Third, users have to use all four of the band, but they are only part of all the band, that is, multiple users access to a large Daoli letter, but use a different channel. And then they are orthogonal channel, and it will ensure their presence does not interfere with each other. Through this, 802.16E throughout the OFDM technology, the channel of distribution is very flexible, which will ensure the realization of various bandwidth access. OFDM technology used another advantage can be achieved in a number of physically different frequency bandwidth scalability, if I have only 125 megabytes of bandwidth, which may be can only be a small part of 10 trillion if the channel is 100.202 , I only do one-eighth of the channel. We can see the definition in 802.16 Village is a framework for scalable OFDM, the bandwidth of each channel is the same, but the overall bandwidth can be extended to 1.25 trillion and 5 trillion, 14 trillion, 20 trillion. In addition, we talk about the media access layer design and realization. We can see that the first request, we know that the technology requirements of the network is the IP network, as our media access layer of the first requirement is that we have to access a multi-IP approach, VoIP, PCP, in the design where we must ensure that all services, as defined in the WiMax in KOS approach is based on each connection, which is the definition of a virtual connection for each connection, or define a traffic WiMax, can access control. Wireless networks is a preference for errors, and identification of a channel, MAC is a dynamic way, CVCH is a fast feedback channel quality to ensure that the physical channel, to achieve a better quality channel. Also contains the location of the ways and power control. In addition, we know now the pursuit of wireless spectrum is a high-efficiency applications, in WiMax, the whole burst is a very flexible structure. In WiMax, the wireless channel allocation of resources are based on the manner of a scheduler, based on the deduction based on CDMA-ri, and also based on TDMA where there is a difference between positive. There are also differences between models, the support of power-saving mode. Another consideration is security in WiMax, we use a special media access layer of security, together with the support of EAP end-to-end security. We can generally look at the entire process of media access, First of all, the lower detection, synchronization, and many other systems that are the same, or the uplink channel parameters, random access, then access to sound and key, Micronesia After obtaining the registration key to the base stations, base station after the registration to be able to enter a state, can be cross-IK Date. If there is no data transfer or is only a state of IDO, we can enter the sleep state, and maintain state power. If activated, it can also maintain a zero-area measurement switch. I think a lot of the audience may e from the operators, from the perspective of operators of WiMax, a, WiMax can support the ISP, which is a virtual ISP, wireless ISP operations. The other is that it did not have the network can now use WiMax to build a new network. In addition e from the fixed network operators, we have already fixed network operators, fixed network operators in the network based on WiMax. There is also a possibility of the largest mobile network operators, including CDMA, GSM operators. General requirements, we need to do is to optimize IP-based network architecture. Based on this demand, WiMax Forum proposed set up a working group of the Working Group on the network because we are now in the definition of 802HV in the WiMax air interface part, including the physical layer, and then in the core site, the definition of WiMax in the structure, which is equivalent to levels in the service we already have a good definition. So between these two we need a Gate, by NWG to define such an organization, how to achieve better resource management, the way of resources. We take a look at, this is the definition of WiMax Forum, a network structure, we can see that the left is the WiMax access network operators the right is part of the core network. Then we can see that each access network can support multiple ISP direct access, the other operators can access a number of WiMax network, but also address the support of Virtual Network Operator approach. The entire network architecture has the advantage that it is a unified network reference model, and then is a GIP, both the access or core network are the GIP. Deposition of the function module is based on the logical rather than physical. In addition it is the Open interfaces for virtual operators. To ensure that everyone in the logic of interoperability interfaces. Another reference to a number of interfaces, and R3, R4, R5, R6 interface is the one after the middle of the road network, this should be noted that this model is a reference model, it is only a logical model, rather than the model of physical entities. It can be a physical entity, it could be a separate physical entities. In addition, we can see CACN, the core network, network, may it contains a number of network sources, such as function modules. In addition it has two types of support, one is based on the different certification SIN. I have just mentioned, he is only a function of the hardware test, not a physical measurement hardware module, the advantage is more flexible and encourage innovation. Another point is that we give an example so that everyone can be more clear, for example, () A, it is a functional module in a different point on the map, rather than a direct mapped the physical module. In the WiMax Forum defined ASN three tables to protect the different mapping methods, mapping the different ways we can push each other to do the test. This plan focused on access network ASN to talk about that part. We can see that it is (), it can connect to access can also be connected to the Internet. SNV in another field can contain links or may not contain, it is a flexible framework. The same is true in the CSN, and can include the functions of interoperable modules, you can get from the Internet. We are most concerned about may be the most crucial part of the three, one is security. WiMax is an end-to-end security of the security system, its definition of wireless 802.16 interface, and in the air are looking for mouth PKV2, agreements are based on the agreement PKV2 above, the entire physical layer is the AIES agreement, such words can be said that different operators can be found more convenient, he corresponding manner. Mobile operators may be more inclined to approach CM card, the fixed network operators may consider the way Web authentication, the network might be using some other means, on the other hand, support for user and device authentication method of two In addition it also supports two-way authentication. In a safe part of the network, is basically a () A certification, if the case of roaming can be visited by a () A, through the way to do. In fact, this side of the cable, the network on this side, it should be done is line their own encryption. Another point is that Qos regard, WiMax Qos is a similarity with the management of MS, HHK interact with through the service, and then do further confirmed that the final arrangements and to give the ultimate protection Qos. WiMax supports a wide range of Qos, including UGS, including mode of ITPS. WiMax can be a whole framework that there are two types of ASN, the entire WiMax network only ASN, ASN and then go up from other networks. Another, operators direct the establishment of a working group or a whole network of operations. This is a simple network of WiMax possible ways, such as we have, through the Gate v and WiMax connection, and then exchange through export gateway. We mentioned earlier the WiMax different table, there are three types: one is the () and put together WiMax, WiMax is always in force, drive the plane of the structure and distribution. It has two, the main difference is that a way is to AIQ, the main difference is how with the TCP, IP interaction. As on () side may be more flexible will be wireless, but on the I (Gate) there may be other benefits. WiMax can also network with a wide range of interoperability standards for different networks, the interoperability with 3GPP, including interaction with the core network to carry out such a way. Group from the network point of view the present situation, the next step in the LTE network will be on, LTE's own core network, radio access network can also be received directly in the core network, while public and public Wilan the WiMax can also be directly eventually received in the core network, and then WiMax and Internet connectivity.